Monday, August 4, 2008

Japanese Ghost !

When Summer comes in Japan, people starts to see many people in TV show talk about horror story. It is very humid in Japan during Summer, and listening to horror story is one way for us to cool down our body.

円山 応挙(Maruyama Oukyo) is famous for Ghost painting, and its painting is kinda standard of what the ghost looks like. Japanese ghost doesn`t have legs, and sometimges put triangular cloth on a head, with holding up two hands(like my Ghost painting).

My painting is far from his, but I wanted to paint Ghost for this Summer, and going to paint more. It`s gonna be a process of this Ghost turns into this stage.

ps. I recently made another blog for my 3D stuff, please visit there too ! (


Unknown said...

Confident use of darkness here. I think you manage to stay just the right side of goofy and manic.


Buck Theorem said...

(Ah, sorry for posting under my work ID... didn't realise. This is my proper ID.

Buck Theorem)

mikio said...

Hello, Buck.

Thanks a lot! I hope this painting helps a bit to cool down people on this planet during this summer !

Yeah, I trid to create the darkeness and scaring lighting for this ghost, thank you for saying that.
