Monday, September 1, 2008

Environment design project No.2 (Gathering)

The scene that I really love watching of all the movies is a gathering one in Never ending story. First time I watched so many different characters and creatures at Ivory tower, I got amazed and fascinated by its imagination. The tree bears in Lord of the Ring is also my favorite, discussing about the war in the Middle earth. I also remember the gathering scene of old creatures in Dark Crystal.

I always wanted to be in those scenes as a chosen one from human kind, and discuss serious things in imaginary world...

What`s next?

I`m planning to paint imaginary animals for next project, plus I`ll start periodic project from this month :)



Buck Theorem said...

This is a very pretty piece. There's almost a hidden sweetness to it... like an alien population imagined by a 6 year-old who sometimes has nightmares.

If you have a myspace, please let me know. As frustrating as it sometimes can be, Myspace has a great selection of art-sites.


mikio said...


Yeah,I enjoyed working on this, thought it might be too loose, but I kinda liked it over all. I`ve been trying to be loosen up these days while trying to improve.

Environment is really fun, I should incorporate this with character/creature as you said before.

I don`t use myspace unfortunately,butI`ll look around to check cool artist site.

Thsese concept artists are great,awesome,and amazing....

ps.Thanks for first following!
